This is an all-in-one pack for injecting Wii Virtual Console WADs that includes: If the file is still blocked in Chrome, try downloading it in Firefox, Opera or Safari browser. Confirm this by pressing Confirm or Keep file anyways. If this occurs, go to Downloads by pressing Ctrl (Control) + J and then, in the name of our file, press in Save dangerous file.
#Wii vc wads download gbatemp download
Don't worry, it's 100% safe to download and there isn't any virus in our tools. Recently, Google blocked our download page to our tools, and it won't show in Google search engine. 7z format, so you must uncompress the file using 7-Zip.
For keep getting updates of this tools pack, go to this all-new official thread of saulfabreg AIO Wii VC iNJECT Tools Pack for download the latest version of the tools pack made by This thread is now OUTDATED, due of the size limit on Downloads Center and many blocks and false "dangerous content" advices from many web browsers.